275th Meditation

Nowhere can we experience such purity of love as in the encounter with God. We humans are in need of love and cannot live without it. This is not a deficiency; it is part of the nature with which God, in his wisdom, created us. Thus, we are receptive to love and, in turn, we give it to other people, serving them in this way.

God, on the other hand, is Love itself (cf. 1 Jn 4:8), who needs nothing and possesses fullness in Himself. This love envelops man as a pure source of grace. In the Message to Mother Eugenia, the Father tells us:

“Since man’s creation, I have never for one moment stopped living beside him. As his Creator and Father, I feel the need to love him. It is not that I need him, but My love, as Father and Creator, makes Me feel this need to love man. Thus I live close to man, I follow him everywhere, I help him in all things, I supply everything. I can see his needs, his toils, all his desires, and My greatest happiness lies in helping him and saving him.”

As we encounter this love, we are led into the full freedom of the children of God. We know that this love is an undeserved gift and yet it envelops us always. It is precisely this certainty that frees us from the inner tension of believing that we have to deserve or earn love. Could this certainty lead us to be more careless in our response to His love? Not at all! On the contrary, this love of His can awaken us, so that our love becomes more selfless, freer and more persevering, thus becoming a “beautiful love”.