“The light of God dispels all darkness, so much so that you will be pained by the slightest wrong thought that you have” (Inner Word).

The Light of the Lord does not know darkness or shadows. It penetrates everything. The same should happen in our souls. By faith, we know that we can only enter the beatific vision when we have been purified from even the smallest stain.

If we allow the love of our Father to penetrate deeply into us, the purification of our soul can begin here, during our earthly life, and become very subtle. Indeed, we have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Baptism. The gift of the fear of God moves us to avoid anything that might offend our Father. Thus we become very attentive to what we say and do, both in relation to God and to our neighbor.

As we go deeper into the inner school of the Holy Spirit, He teaches us to pay more and more attention to our thoughts and not to simply give them free rein. This is an indispensable first step to regain a certain mastery over ourselves and to decide which thoughts we give space to and which we do not.

In this way, love makes us more and more sensitive and delicate, and it begins to hurt us that we do not always praise and glorify the Lord with our thoughts, and that we do not always advance on our path with simplicity and gratitude.

Our love for the Lord flares up more and more, and we repent of every evil thought that springs from our heart. Then we present them to the Holy Spirit, and our Divine Friend takes care to drive away or dispel these thoughts, and instead of them, His Light finds more and more room in our heart.

The more love fills us, the more even the smallest twisted thought will hurt us. This is the price of love! But on this path we purify ourselves more and more, and our Heavenly Father will take great pleasure in this.