“It is through My Son and the Holy Spirit that I am coming to you and into you, and it is in you that I seek My peace” (The Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

The more we dialogue with our Father and are in living contact with Him, the more we will learn to understand Him, because God will be able to communicate to us more deeply. Let us remember that Jesus Himself told His disciples that He could not yet tell them everything because they would not be able to comprehend it. He then promised them that He would send them the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 16:12-13).

What is the peace that the Lord seeks in us? It is the indwelling of God in His creatures whom He has made His children. Our heavenly Father seeks this communion, which has been seriously disturbed by sin, thus interfering with God’s original plan.

A life apart from God’s grace is not true life, neither for us nor for Him. Our Father will never tire of calling His children into full communion with Him, and we must never become accustomed to so many obstacles to a life of family relationship with God.

A soul that opens itself to God’s grace finds peace, and so does our Father. Let us think of the Blessed Virgin in whom the Father was able to make His dwelling place in a special way and to include her in His plan of salvation. God found His peace in her!

Although God’s dwelling place was unique in the case of the Blessed Virgin, our Father wants to dwell in the souls of all people who are in a state of grace. When He is able to establish Himself in them, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, His loving search will finally come to an end and our Father will find peace. Then He will penetrate deeper and deeper into the soul that has opened itself to Him, until it reaches complete union with Him. Thus the Father is at home in that soul and the soul in Him.

True peace has come and it will be fruitful for the Church and for the whole world.