“I have opened in front of you a door that no one will be able to close” (Rev 3:8).

These words addressed to the “angel of the Church of Philadelphia” are extended to all those who have accepted God’s invitation. The door to the Father’s Heart is wide open, so that all those who have embarked on the path of salvation can come to Him. The Risen Lord, who will return on the clouds of heaven, assures us that no one will be able to close this open door to the Heart of the Father: neither the principalities, nor the powers, nor the rulers of this dark world (cf. Eph 6:12), no matter how much they try to deceive people and lead them away from God.

The Father Himself grants us the security of His love and shows Himself to be Lord of all creation. No matter how much they try to draw attention to themselves and usurp the place of God, idols cannot stand before the Lord. As the psalmist says, “pagan gods are nothing” (Ps 96:5).

If the Lord has opened the door to us, we must not waste time, but hasten to come to Him and draw from the wellsprings of salvation, as well as to open wide the doors of our hearts to Him. Our open hearts will, in turn, be able to help others find easier access to God’s love. Thus, these words of the Lord in Revelation could have further meaning for us:

He gives us greater access to the hearts of other people, so that we can conquer them for our Father. His love opens the doors for this to happen!

If, in spite of our efforts, a heart remains closed, we should not despair; rather, we can offer it to our Father in prayer and entrust it in a special way to the Virgin Mary. She knows ways into people’s hearts that we do not.