“Knock and the door will be opened for you” (Interior Word).

In the Book of Revelation, the Lord says: “Behold, I have set before you an open door” (Rev 3:8). These words apply to all those who seek the Lord with all their hearts. We no longer need to seek the door, for He is the door (Jn 10:9). We need only enter through it and trust in His gentle leading.

On our inner journey, as well as in our outward realization of following Christ, we find ourselves in front of new doors, behind which new spaces open up for us. Our way of knocking on the door is to look confidently at the Lord, to accept His loving gaze and to continue our journey.

Our Father does not want us to stop on the way to eternity, but to learn to recognize His love and wisdom better and better. Above all, He wants us to take His Word seriously and to trust it completely. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples to put all their trust in Him. At the very beginning, when He called them, He sent Peter back to cast his nets after an unsuccessful night of fishing. Peter learned the lesson. “At your word I will let down the nets” (Lk 5:5), he said to Him, and he went out again and was overwhelmed by the abundance of the catch.

Our Father has opened wide the doors of His Heart to us and to eternal life, and we are called to enter through them and to conquer His Heart, as St. Therese of the Child Jesus expresses it. But the doors are also wide open for the fulfillment of the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us in our lives, especially those doors that allow us to proclaim the Gospel. Let us not hesitate to pass through them, because God Himself has opened them for us.