“I must be known, loved and honoured by men, so that, having created them, I can be their Father, then their Saviour and finally the object of their eternal delight.” (Message of the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Here is a warning from our Heavenly Father through the mouth of Mother Eugenia Ravasio, reminding us how many people still do not know this God who loves them so much. They risk wasting their lives and, in the worst case, eternally damning themselves.

This exhortation certainly concerns us in the first place, as we try to respond to God’s love. Our Father reminds us that there are so many people who are ignorant of the most essential things and therefore do not know the meaning of their existence. They need to know God’s love! It is a necessity!

A necessity? Yes! It matters whether we consciously live in communion with our Heavenly Father or not. It matters whether we keep God’s commandments or not! It matters whether we know our Saviour or not! For no one is this indifferent!

Anyone who does not know God is in need:

He does not know where he comes from or where he is going.

He does not know who created him, nor that he has a Father in heaven.

He does not know that he will be held accountable for his life.

He does not know the joy of communion with God.

He does not know that he is in need of redemption, nor does he know the Redeemer.

He does not know what it means to be separated from God for eternity.

And his need is all the greater the less he himself realises it.

That is why our Father wants us to never tire of proclaiming His love, so that He can alleviate the need of mankind. If we were to meet a person in need, would we not help him, and would we not simply pass him by? How much more does our Father, who alone knows and can meet man’s deepest need!

And what about us? We can help Him!