337th Meditation

“Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name- the name you gave me- so that they may be one as we are one” (Jn 17:11b).

The Name of Jesus…

How loudly it resounds in the heart!

His Name can and must become the great love of our life.

It was the Father who gave Him “the Name which is above every name” (Phil 2:9) and “there is no other name under heaven given to man by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

It is the Father who preserves us in the Name of His Son.

If we die with the Name of Jesus on our lips, we will live for eternity.

The Name of Jesus:

-is powerful and drives away the power of evil;

-is gentle and caresses our soul;

-is truthful and unmasks all lies and half-truths, so that darkness is forced to yield;

-is feared by those who remain in darkness;

-it becomes a sign of conviction for those who do not submit to the truth.

The Name of Jesus:

-must always dwell in our heart, without ever falling out of our rememberance.

-The Holy Spirit will always remind us of it.

-From before the rising of the sun we invoke His holy Name.

-In His name we are healed.

-In His name we find consolation and help.

-In His name the disciples healed men (cf. Acts 3:6).

-In His Name the strongholds of the enemy are overthrown.

The Name of Jesus…

In His Name we become one with the Heavenly Father.

In His Name we proclaim the love of our Heavenly Father.

In His Name true unity among humanity is created.

In His Name the unique sacrifice of Calvary is actualized.

In His Name Israel will awaken and be able to fulfill its destiny.

“Blessed be the name of the Lord, both now and forever” (Ps 112:2).