“It is better to limp along the straight path than to stray from it with a firm step” (St. Augustine).

On the path of following the Lord, we are not always carried on “eagle’s wings”. There are stages where we progress with difficulty and which require a lot of patience, especially when it comes to carrying a cross. Our Father allows this so that we never forget that all grace comes from Him. If we were always moving forward in leaps and bounds, with great agility, we might be tempted to put our own merits first and forget that it is the Lord who sustains us.

Humility is always aware of this, but we do not always live in humility. That is why we are offered divine help to recognise our limitations and to realise that without the Lord we can do nothing (Jn 15:5). Since this is easier said than done, our Father gives us opportunities, through various experiences and circumstances, to become more deeply convinced of our limitations.

Then we will also better understand the words of St Augustine. Even if we are at the limit of our strength and can only limp forward, the straight path is still incomparably more truthful than the path of destruction travelled with great determination and enjoying outward success, perhaps even earning the recognition of the world. It is better to be last in the Kingdom of Heaven than first in a world far from God.

This can be a comfort and a lesson to us at times when we feel we are plodding along while others seem to be running from success to success. The important thing is that we do not stray from the straight path and keep our eyes on the Lord. He Himself fell under the cross three times and rose again.

Let us not forget this: God will lead us to the goal if we trust in Him, whether we walk with agility or with a limp. The main thing is to walk straight!