“God cannot be surpassed in generosity” (St. John Bosco).

If you look up the definition of the word ‘magnanimity’, which is related to generosity, the answer is as follows: “Magnanimity is a noble and generous attitude that manifests itself in forbearance, mildness and forgiveness. The magnanimous person forgives the weaknesses and mistakes of others and renounces revenge or retaliation. It is a kind of goodness that goes beyond the usual measure”.

Magnanimity is particularly appealing to people in positions of authority and reflects how people can rise above themselves. As we reflect further on this concept, we will immediately recognise that our Father has this attitude in its fullest expression.

The very act of giving life to creation is a magnanimous act of love. In His omniscience, God foresaw that some of the angels would rise up against Him, and also that some of humanity would rise up against Him. Nevertheless, He wanted to create them out of love.

Let us also consider how God has time and again spared mankind from punishment because a few have remained faithful to Him. Think of Abraham, who asked God to spare the lives of the people of Sodom. Our Father would have granted his request if only ten righteous people had been found in the city (Gen 18:16-33).

Let us go even deeper: let us consider the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the sake of one who gave His life on the cross, God wants to save all humanity and free it from its slavery, if it accepts His invitation.

God’s magnanimity is indeed unsurpassable. It is part of His being, and when we discover this wonderful quality in a person, we know that in the depths of his being he has been touched by this glorious trait of our Father.

May the Lord also awaken in us this magnanimous spirit so that we may become like Him and be a cause of joy to our neighbour and a bridge for him to meet our Father.