“The Lord is gracious and compassionate,

  slow to anger and rich in love” (Ps 145:8).

The grace of our Heavenly Father always envelops us, as a constant invitation to open ourselves to His love. It always knocks at the door of our heart, asking to be received as a delicate, dear and welcome guest. If we open the door to it, it will enter and take up residence in our heart, making our heart a throne of God’s grace. This grace begins to guide us and shape everything in us according to the wisdom of the Divine Will.

If you, beloved Father, dwell in us with your grace, we can understand more deeply your infinite mercy for us. It moves you to go out in search of each person, to show them your Heart full of love and to save them from going astray. “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?” (cf. Ps 130:3).

Your mercy and compassion is salvation for sinners and hope for those who “live in darkness and the shadow dark as death” (Lk 1:79). When we know that we are sheltered by your mercy and understand better the infinite goodness of your Heart, we grow in certainty and confidence that many souls can still be saved, simply because you are as you are.

Since you are “slow to anger,” you are able to wait until the last moment for us. This longanimity is a radiant expression of your love, which does not abandon us to our own fate when we walk the wrong paths. Even then you continue to envelop us with your goodness, and you never cease to woo your children, as long as they can continue to reciprocate your love.

Grace, compassion, longanimity and love… All these attributes we find in abundance in you, and you will never deny yourself. This is our salvation and constant joy!