206th Meditation

“In Mary’s heart, the Father builds the Kingdom of His love” (St. John Eudes).

What a beautiful statement by St. John Eudes! It is indeed so: Our Lady fully accepted God’s love and gave the response that our Father asks and expects from us, human beings. By saying “let it happen to me as you have said” (Lk 1:38), Mary opened the doors so that the Father could unfold His plan of salvation without hindrance. And God entrusted her with the most precious that He could give to mankind: His beloved Son.

There, in the heart of the one who gave her “yes” to the Will of the Father even in the most difficult situations of her life, the Kingdom of God becomes visible. Mary’s “yes” was pronounced on behalf of all mankind, and our Father brought forth in her the ark in which human beings can find refuge. Through His Son, our Father builds His Church in the image of Mary, so that, as an ark of salvation, it may lead redeemed humanity to Him.

A heart that belongs to God is a great treasure for our Father. It is a heart to which He can give Himself and reveal the mysteries of His love, as He did with Mary, the Mother of God.

Our Father is looking for hearts like that of the Virgin Mary, so that also through them His Son Jesus Christ may be brought to mankind, so that they too may become a refuge for mankind and show them the way to God.

The darker the times, the more important it is to give our loving “yes” to God’s will, in union with Mary, whom Jesus gave us as our Mother. In this way, the Lord can count on us to lead His humanity back to their eternal homeland.