495th Meditation

“Hear, O daughter, consider, and incline your ear; forget your people and your father’s house; and the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him” (Ps 45:10-11).

These verses of the Psalm unfold their most sublime beauty when we understand them as a call from our Father to follow Him unreservedly and to place ourselves totally at His service. This beauty comes alive when we see a religious vocation: for example, someone who feels called to follow the Lord in a contemplative monastery.

Such a vocation is a special treasure. In His message to Mother Eugenia, our Father speaks of religious as “children of His love”. And indeed they are, because for the sake of the greatest love, they have left behind everything that would have been precious to them in life: their village, their parents’ house, and many projects that they may have set for themselves.

Only from the love of the Father, which is the cause of this vocation, will it be possible to understand what happens between God and this soul. She has found the “treasure in the field”, the incomparable pearl. And to buy it, she sells all that she has (Mt 13:44).

This treasure is hidden in the “chamber of God’s Will” and can only be discovered through love.

It is an encounter with the inner fire of God, with His thirst for souls and His longing for human beings. It is an encounter with that fire of which Jesus said, “I would that it were already kindled” (Lk 12:49).

This fire – the Holy Spirit – begins to burn in the one who receives the call, to such an extent that he gives himself without looking back. The King’s desire becomes the only criterion.

And what does our Father do with the person who responds to His call? He will introduce them into the mysteries of His heavenly chamber and love them with a divine love. This is our Father!