“Be intoxicated with my love, so that others may also experience this intoxication” (Inner Word).

This is the intoxication that the Lord loves and offers us. It puts us in a healthy state in which we see the world and people differently. Without losing the sobriety of the spirit and without falling into confusion, we begin to see with the eyes of God, to love in His Heart. This love can become so strong that it reigns like a queen in all the situations of our life, teaching us and driving us to see and do everything from its point of view. Here there is no weighing of self-interest or anxious self-protection, but neither is there the blind illusion of believing that one can love without being firm in the truth of God who rules everything.

This intoxication goes hand in hand with the ever-deepening knowledge of our Father as the source of love and the consequent understanding of the nature of true love.

It will always have the eternal salvation of man in mind, just as our Father does. There is nothing more important and nothing that requires greater love to overcome all obstacles than the proclamation of truth.

Principalities and powers struggle to extinguish the fire of the proclamation of God’s love. But the intoxication of love will not allow itself to be limited; rather, every claim of the forces of evil will only consolidate and strengthen this love so that the enemy will not achieve his goal.

Other people will perceive this intoxication and, since love is also the reason for their existence, they will want to be infected and will seek the source of this love that surpasses all, to drink from it and get intoxicated.