“Blessed is the man whom thou dost chasten, O Lord,

and whom thou dost teach out of thy law” (Ps 94:12).

If we have entered into a friendship with our Father, we will not lack for instructions from Him, for our divine friend is at the same time our guide on the path of salvation. We could not expect the same from a human friend, and perhaps it would not even be appropriate. From our Heavenly Father, however, we receive this grace with certainty.

The certainty that we are in the hands of the One who gave us life, redeemed us and wants to bring us to perfection – and that He does this out of His infinite love for us – is a source of constant joy.

Who does not long to be introduced to the deeper mysteries of divine love, unless pride blinds us, as it once did the fallen angel and those who close themselves to the light, preferring to rely on themselves?

Who does not long to discover the glories of God in the chambers of His treasure? Who does not long to drink from the fountains of truth? Who does not long to be prepared for life in eternal bliss? Who does not long to bear fruit in the vineyard of the Lord?

All this will happen if we listen to God’s instructions, if we follow the invitations of His love and obey the promptings of the Spirit.

All this will happen if we accept His teaching, if we willingly accept His corrections, if we keep throwing ourselves, with all our limitations and ignorance, into the sea of trust so that, having been purified, we can understand and walk in His ways even better.

Let us ask the Lord to mould us according to the image in which He created us. The Lord will not delay in answering such a request!