473rd Meditation

Through the Cross, also God the Father comes down to us, and in the Eucharist the Lord gives us true life (cf. Jn 6:35). In the tabernacles of the churches He establishes His throne, waiting for us to welcome His close presence and graces.

But it is also through the Holy Spirit that the Father wants to dwell in our soul, as He gives us to understand in the Message to Mother Eugenia:

“The work of this third Person of My divinity is carried out silently and often man is not aware of it. But for Me it is a very fitting way of living, not just in the tabernacle, but also in the souls of all those in a state of grace, to establish My throne in them and to live there always, like the true Father Who loves, protects and helps His children.”

The Holy Spirit, our divine friend, often comes to us without our realising it, and begins to spread His divine light within us. His way of working is often very delicate and gentle. He always draws us to do good and teaches us to avoid evil, wherever and in whatever form it may present. However, He can only make His abode in the soul when she lives in a state of grace. As long as this is not the case, He will attract her and call her to open herself to divine love, in order to prepare her for God’s indwelling.

The Father wants to establish His throne in our soul and dwell in it forever. So we are never alone; we can always count on God’s love for us. He will never abandon us, but wants to live in intimate communion with us. And we, for our part and with the help of the Holy Spirit, let us be very careful not to sully our inner dwelling. And if this should happen, let us go immediately to the Lord, to be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb (1 Jn 1:7). Our Father is always ready to strengthen us again in the Sacrament of Penance.