104th Meditation on God the Father
“Come, come closer to Me, you have every right to approach your Father; open up your hearts, pray to My Son that He may help you to know even better My goodness towards you!” (Father’s message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).
The ever deeper discovery of God’s goodness and mercy is of unimaginable importance, because to the person who knows that they are loved and accepted by Him, the great mystery of love that lies behind their life is revealed. It is the certainty of faith that enlightens our understanding and penetrates our hearts like a living light. In this way, our existence begins to be healed at its root.
The great loss we have suffered after the fall into sin is that of a natural, direct and trusting relationship with God. One of Satan’s most subtle and evil attacks against our soul is to distort the image of God in it. By not knowing our Father as He really is or by having a false image of Him, our deepest essence is directly attacked, for we will then find it difficult to turn to God and will tend to close ourselves to His constant calling and wooing. Indeed, who would want to have a close relationship with a God who is not really interested in us or who deprives us of the good gifts that would brighten our life, as the serpent gave our first parents to understand in Paradise (Gen 3:1)? Who would seek to be close to a God who is considered a usurper and an arbitrary tyrant? Such an image of God only gives rise to slaves!
We Christians, too, must discover the love of God ever more deeply. This will have an impact on our way of meeting people and witnessing this love to them. In this way, we will also correct any false or imperfect images of God that we may still have within ourselves. Our Father even tells us that we have the “right” to approach Him. God Himself has planted this right in us and we are called to make use of it. It was the Father who called us to life! Just as He, in the naturalness of His love, takes care to give us all that we require for bodily life, He also gives us all that we need for supernatural life in communion with Him.
The Father urges us to have recourse to Jesus, asking Him to make known to us more and more the magnitude of His fatherly love. To whom better could He refer us? Who better knows His love, than His most beloved Son?