Preparation for Christmas, Part 2

What is the Lord trying to tell us by the fact that he was not born in a royal palace with earthly wealth, but in a grotto in Bethlehem?
We remember Jesus’ word: “Mine is not a kingdom of this world” (Jn 18:36).
It was simple shepherds who were the first to hear the good news of the angels.
It is a different kingdom from the kingdoms of this world that Satan offered Jesus (cf. Mt 4:8-9).
No one is excluded from it if they accept the message of faith.
It is not the kingdom of the rich and knowledgeable, not the kingdom of the rulers of this world, it is not a kingdom of vanities and human honours!
One does not need to disguise to be a citizen of this kingdom.
The ruler of this kingdom serves his people and washes their feet (cf. Jn 13:2-5).
It is a kingdom of love and truth.
And it is eternal!
The queen of this kingdom is a loving mother.
Who is the greatest in this kingdom of God’s children?
It is the one who loves the most!
Who excludes himself from this kingdom?
He who does not want to love.
The child of Bethlehem gives gifts to people, because he came for them.
He does not need the outward splendour.
He does not need external riches.
He seeks the heart of man and gives his.
It is as simple as that.
As simple as the grotto of Bethlehem.
That’s all it needs!