“Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Ps 139:16).

If we are able to look beyond our narrow horizons and the limited perception of our lives, we will encounter the love of our Father that transcends time and space. We have always been loved by God, and from all eternity He has wanted us to exist. Thus, a great “yes” rises above our lives.

This great “yes” of our Father has marked out beforehand the path of our lives; the path that will fully unfold our destiny as persons and make us into that for which God has called us into existence and into communion with Him. Had the fall not occurred, we would have reached our destiny as human beings, in full communion with God, just as it happened with the holy angels who remained faithful to the Lord in the trial.

Our Father, however, did not give up and turn away from humanity when it succumbed more and more to darkness after the fall. That would have been incompatible with His love!

On the contrary, His love never ceased to believe in the plan He had originally laid out for us to reach our goal. But now our Father has to go through innumerable ways with lost humanity until He overcomes and removes everything that separates us from Him. Through faith, we begin to understand all that our Father has done for us and how far His love has gone: even to the cross!

And since this is the reality, we can put all our trust in the Heavenly Father, who gives us salvation through His Son and wants to sanctify us through the work of the Holy Spirit.

And we can still become what our Father has called us to be, because God has not left us to ourselves.

But what does our Father expect of us? Only that we respond to His love and become what we are called to be.

That is how our Father is!