The father speaks to his children, Part 1

In the text of God the Father’s message, Mother Eugenie begins by describing the magnificent apparition of the Father, which was announced by angelic songs. It is July 1, 1932… The Father begins to speak to her:
“¡I have already told you and now I say it again: I cannot give My beloved Son another time to prove My love for men! I am now coming among them in order to love them and to make them know this love, assuming their image, their poverty. Look, now I am putting aside My crown and all My glory to take on the appearance of an ordinary man!” “Peace and salvation to this house and to the whole world! May My power, My love and My Holy Spirit touch men’s hearts, so that all mankind may turn to salvation and come to its Father, Who seeks it, to love and to save it! (…) I have chosen this day to begin My work among men because today is the feast of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus. I intend to bathe in this Blood the work I am beginning, so that it may bear great fruit among all mankind.”
Before the Father appeared to her and entrusted his message to her, Mother Eugenie described how joyfully and confidently she awaited his coming. Joy and trust are two fundamental concepts, which we will often encounter in this message, either directly or indirectly. It is about joy in the Lord; that joy in which Saint Paul also exhorts us to live (cf. Phil 4,4). And, on the other hand, trust in God, which is the proper response that we men and women must give to the Father’s love.
As the Father expresses it in this message, love is His motivation to come. He has already sent His Son to us, thus demonstrating His love to us. We will never finish understanding this mystery, that God himself has come to us in the Person of Jesus, to consummate all the work of our Redemption.
But often men have difficulty in really recognizing His love. It hovers over them like a dark shadow. Perhaps they do not feel worthy of being loved, because of the defects they discover in themselves. Perhaps they are always at a disadvantage, and it seems to them that life is not conducive to them. Perhaps they have had many negative experiences, and their misinterpretations have obscured the image of a loving God, or they have not allowed such an image to be formed. They are living in sin, and the light of God is fading away more and more.
But God doesn’t give up and doesn’t get tired of looking for them! We will hear this again and again throughout the Message of the Father. In the passage we heard today, we see that the Heavenly Father, in His appearance, makes Himself similar to man. He takes on the appearance of an ordinary man and leaves behind His glory, to speak to Mother Eugenie.
First of all, the Father grants his blessing: “Peace and salvation to this house and to the whole world!” This peace is His peace; and no other! It is a peace that comes from God; a peace that consists in recognizing Him in truth, and in knowing His love, and then doing His will. Likewise, the salvation mentioned here also comes from God, and is offered to all mankind in their Redeemer.
These are the great offerings of God for mankind! Here we can already “take a look” at His Heart. In it, there is nothing of what we unfortunately have yet to discover within ourselves. His Heart is open to all men, wherever and under whatever circumstances they may be. People’s hearts must be touched by this love of God, so that they may take the path home to the Father of us all.
How important these first few words are already! The hearts of men need to be touched by God. This has not yet happened enough. This is why the hearts of people are often cold or misguided, and why they close, or are as if enveloped in a fog… The love of our Father wants to touch them, so that they become soft, so that they are freed from their entanglements and can be free to correspond to His love.
From these first lines, let us assimilate the message that God, in His love, is looking for us. Later on we will also hear how we can participate in this search for God.
His work of love is immersed in the Blood of the Son; that is, immersed in the work of Redemption, so that it produces abundant fruit.