472nd Meditation

How much has our Father cared for us in opening to us the ways of salvation! His treasures are always accessible to us. Unfortunately, we often pass by without taking advantage of them, and all too often the Lord remains alone in the tabernacle, unvisited. Yet He waits longingly for us to come and thus allow Him to bestow His blessings upon us. What an immense value has the Holy Mass, which makes present the sacrifice of Jesus’ infinite love on the Cross: “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:9).

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, God Father tells us:

“In the Eucharist I live among you as a Father with His family. I wished My Son to institute the Eucharist so as to make every tabernacle the vessel of My favours, My riches and My love, to give them to men, My children. It is always by these two means that I cause both My power and My infinite mercy to come down ceaselessly”.

In a sincere introspection, we will see that unfortunately we still do not accept all that the Father offers us. We often put other things first, so that we are distracted from what is most important.

At this point, we have a spiritual responsibility: according to St. Paul’s advice that “for me everything is permissible’; maybe, but not everything does good.” (1 Cor 6:12), let us leave behind what does not good and seek what is pleasing in the eyes of our Father! This would be a wise decision, which would correspond to the spirit of piety. It could bring much spiritual fruit, which would also benefit other people.