“If men could penetrate the Heart of Jesus in all Its desires and Its glory, they would realize that Its most ardent desire is to glorify the Father, the One Who sent Him” (Father’s Message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Many of us have known and followed the Lord Jesus for a long time. Once we have really met Him, we will never want to leave Him. We have already known too much of His love, tasted the truth, and received His goodness. Those who truly know the Lord will want nothing but what He wants.

Without a doubt, Jesus loves us inexhaustibly. We know that his love for us led Him to death, that He is always at our side, and that His loving gaze remains fixed on people so that they may accept the gift He offers them and meet Him.

If we look more deeply into the Heart of Jesus, we find first of all His love for the Father and we understand that His great desire is that He be glorified by man, just as man can and must give Him glory. Here we see the heart of our Lord inflamed, and it is undoubtedly an inexpressible joy to Him that man should awaken in love for His Father.

Does not something similar happen to us when we hear that a person has been sincerely converted? Do we not rejoice that he has come to know the love of the Lord and has been won for the Kingdom of God? Do we not also have a burning desire to see all people come to know the Savior and become a cause of joy to the Lord?

How much will the Son of God rejoice when He who sent Him is glorified!