242nd Meditation

 “The Almighty has done great things for me: holy is His name” (Lk 1:49).

How much our Heavenly Father is pleased with the Virgin Mary, who fully accepted His call and thus became the Mother of His Son! Could we imagine a more worthy choice of God than the Virgin of Nazareth, who was ready to give her consent to the enormous grace which the Lord showed her and to cooperate with her “fiat” in the plan of salvation?

As Catholics, we are accustomed to turn confidently to the Mother of the Lord, knowing that in her our prayers are in good hands. We love her as our Mother, because from the Cross the Lord said to the beloved disciple and, through him, to all of us: “Behold your mother” (Jn 19:27). We also understand that she is the image and model of the Church, which, guided by the Holy Spirit, is to carry Christ to the world through the Word and the sacraments. All this fills us with joy and gratitude!

But perhaps there is a way to love Mary even more… We heard in a passage of God the Father’s Message to Mother Eugenia that we will come to love Jesus more when we know His Father better. And the same can be said about the Virgin Mary. If we begin to look at her with the eyes of our Father, we will be introduced into the unspeakable mystery of love of the Incarnation of her Son.

Our Father was able to fill her Immaculate Heart with all that He had prepared for her. Thus her Heart became a pure and holy meeting place with God, a permanent abode of the Heavenly Father, an enclosure of His joy and delight.

In our Father’s Heart, we will always encounter this enchantment when we contemplate the Virgin Mary, and thus come to love her more than we do now.