“Worship the Lord in holy array; tremble before him, all the earth!” (Ps 96:9).

What is the most beautiful adornment we can offer our Father?

Without a doubt, it is our heart. It is not for nothing that the first commandment exhorts us to love God with all our strength (Dt 6:5). “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”, says Jesus (Mt 6:21). To whom, then, does our heart belong?

If we give it to our Father, what can He do with this jewel? Well, God will take care of this jewel with the utmost care and love. With His presence, He will purify it, illuminate it, and unite it to Himself. These are the classical “paths” described in mystical theology.

In the message to Mother Eugenie, our Heavenly Father exhorts us to seek out souls in whom He can establish the throne of His glory.

Of course, the most beautiful thing would be to offer our Father an already purified heart, to prostrate ourselves before Him “in holy array” and to present this jewel to Him in all its splendor. But who in the human race can do this, if not the Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave her Immaculate Heart to God?

Our Father does not expect us to be perfect. He Himself will lead us to perfection. That is why we can come to Him and present our hearts to Him, even if they are still cold and dark and have inclinations that make us ashamed.

Nevertheless, our heart is a holy ornament because God gave it to us and created it for love: first of all, to receive His love, to correspond to it and to love Him; and then to bring this love to others.

If our heart belongs to God, we have nothing to fear. We only have to be careful that it never strays from our Father. He will place this holy jewel in His treasure chambers.