314th Meditation

“As I desire most to be known by all of you, so that you can all enjoy, even here on earth, My goodness and My tenderness, make yourselves apostles to those who still do not know Me” (Father’s Message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

This is the great desire of our Heavenly Father, and He emphasises it even more by saying that this is what He desires “most”. This request of His is addressed above all to those who have already understood something of His love and live in it. It is therefore a mission that is addressed to all people, because no one is excluded from God’s love.

In speaking of “those who still do not know Him”, the Father is certainly also referring to those who, although they know the faith, have not yet entered into a living relationship with Him. Let us accept His invitation to live more deeply in His goodness and to proclaim it. Then we might be inflamed by the zeal that is reflected in the following lines written to us a few days ago by a woman from China:

“Dear Lucia, thank you for your prayers. I spent more than a month with my parents in China. I visited the hospital very often in those days. I prayed for them. I shared the Gospel in private. There were five patients in the same room and in the end they all believed in God. It is the grace of God!”

Even if we cannot directly evangelise people, we can pray intensely for them. Our Father will answer our prayers with a special grace.

These daily reflections about God the Father have the goal of reaching the hearts of people. At the moment they are being translated from German into English, Spanish and, in writing, also into Dutch. Perhaps other languages will be covered in the future. I commend this intention to the prayers of all those who listen to us daily.