“For just as you purposed to go astray from God, return with tenfold zeal to seek him” (Bar 4:28).

It often happens that people, seduced by the turmoil of these confused times, begin to live a life of sin and thus turn away from our Divine Father. As a result, they are unable to live up to their vocation as human beings.

On the other hand, there are those who know the faith and abstain from grave sins, but have never really burned for God. They too lack fullness and true love, so that their souls cannot shine in all their beauty.

By the grace of God, an hour may come when they will encounter the love of God and their eyes will be opened. Then the confused or lethargic heart awakens. The soul overflows with gratitude for God’s mercy and goodness and never tires of assuring the Lord of its love.

But then perhaps all that he has wasted, all that he could have done in his life with God’s grace, but did not do, comes to his mind… In the face of this, sadness may come over him.

Here comes the quotation from the Book of Baruch, which becomes an anchor of hope to prevent the soul from sinking into sadness. It is not yet too late! What a consolation!

“Seek Him with tenfold zeal”.

Our Father, who knows us so well, shows us a way to make up for what we have wasted. So we can look forward. Each day gives us the opportunity to serve the Lord with great zeal. The memory of the time when we lived in confusion and indifference can even become a thorn that spurs us to greater zeal.

With what zeal did the apostle of the Gentiles serve the Lord after his conversion, he who had even persecuted Him in His believers!

To be converted and to seek God with tenfold zeal: this is the instruction the Lord gives us. The Holy Spirit will remind us!