“Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph 6:18).

With this last exhortation of the Holy Apostle, we conclude our little series on the armor of God.

We see the wisdom and care with which our Father equips us, not only to stand firm in battle, but also to treasure up merits for eternity. Indeed, every denial of Satan in the Name of God and to His praise weakens the powers of darkness and testifies to the glory of the Lord.

These final reflections of St. Paul, with their special emphasis on prayer, exhort us not to pray only occasionally, but to make prayer our “daily bread,” to “pray at all times in the Spirit”. These words are in harmony with the apostle’s other exhortation: “Pray constantly” (1 Thess 5:17).

It could be said that prayer, the constant attentiveness to the Lord, the great dialogue with Him and everything we do to glorify God, becomes a flowing and living river that surrounds our castle. For those who approach us in peace, it will be healing water, a refreshing drink of welcome. But those who approach us with evil intentions will not be able to cross the river, for it will be a torrent that they will not be able to appease.

We must use our Father’s armor to resist in battle. This requires vigilance and perseverance. Let us realize that it is an honor to engage in this noble struggle and thus glorify God and serve the Church.

St. Joan of Arc went every morning to the camp of the soldiers who fought at her side for the liberation of France and inspected their weapons. Our armor also needs to be maintained so that it is always ready for battle.