“Spiritual resistance with clarity and freedom, as well as with great determination” (Inner Word).

Our Heavenly Father has entrusted a great treasure to His Church. She is a refuge of truth, and therefore God has entrusted to her the task of instructing people, nourishing and forming their spiritual life.

When the Father, in His goodness, sent His Son into the world to redeem us, He spoke the unforgettable words that are valid for all times: “I am the way, the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6).

Truth, then, has been entrusted to us by God. We did not create it, nor is it a personal possession that we can dispose of at will. Truth is self-sustaining and requires that we serve it with love. Not to acknowledge the truth is to continue to live in blindness; to evade it is to stubbornly persist in a lie; to deny it is even spiritual death.

Because truth is such a great treasure entrusted to us, our Father expects us to defend it when it is attacked. Those who loved it dearly gave everything, preferring to lay down their lives rather than deny Him who can say of Himself that He is the Truth.

When the truth entrusted to the Church is attacked, relativized or distorted, by whomsoever, spiritual resistance must be offered. Men and women are needed who will testify with all clarity, freedom and humility that they wish to remain faithful to the Church and will not follow false paths. They should keep in mind these words of St. Paul:

“Even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8).