“I know your desires and your questions, even if you do not express them. But I love it when you express them to me, because then your heart opens even more and your trust in me grows” (Inner Word).

Our Father, who knows us in the depths of our being, undoubtedly knows our worries and the questions we carry within us. We can always speak to Him in secret and thus grow in intimacy with Him. But our Father also invites us to express Him in concrete words: for example, to tell Him that we love Him, to praise Him, to thank Him, and also to ask Him the questions that we carry in our hearts. In a way, this allows us to objectify the situation, so that the word becomes, as it were, a tangible reality.

We can easily understand this if we think of a person who loves us: he does not only carry it in the secret of his heart, nor does he only express it in gestures, but he also tells us concretely. This deepens the relationship and the heart widens even more, while the security of mutual love grows.

This is what our Father wants to achieve by inviting us to express to Him in audible words what we carry in our hearts. It is as if a different reality emerges, an even more “committed” relationship with our Heavenly Father, to put it in human terms. And even more so when a third person is present, listening to what we ask of the Lord and witnessing the moment.

All these aspects should encourage us to speak openly to our Father. We can be sure that He will be pleased and that our relationship with Him will become ever more real and closer.