“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col 3:16b).

The praise of God must never be muted in our hearts! We will always find something to praise the Lord with, and when it is expressed in song, we join the angels who never tire of echoing the praises of God in this sublime way.

Surely sacred music will be one of the most beautiful things we will find in eternity. But even here on earth, how much can sacred song glorify God and, as Saint Hildegard of Bingen says, evoke the memory of Paradise and give us a foretaste of eternity!

It is true that we can praise God in many different ways, but singing undoubtedly stands out among them all. Not only is it perhaps the most beautiful expression of God’s praise to the glory of the Father; it also delights our heart and touches its depths.

It is undoubtedly through sacred song that the Heavenly Father wished to draw us to Himself, for our soul will not want – and in a certain way will not be able – to withdraw from its sublime holiness, inspired by the Spirit.

Therefore, let us not hesitate to sing God’s praises in our hearts, even when we are alone. Everything will become easier and lighter, and we will often be able to overcome the troubles of our soul in this way. Let us remember that in this way we can please our beloved Father, for He loves it when we think of Him and praise His works. And our soul will also rejoice, for it has been created for the Lord and the sacred song calls it home.