“Seek souls who will commit themselves wholeheartedly for My glory and honour, and who will willingly give Me this resting place.” (Message of God the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio)

When we have opened the doors of our heart to the Heavenly Father and He gives Himself to us, when we begin to enjoy the delight of intimate communion with Him, then our Father turns our gaze to other people, for they too are called to share in this unspeakable grace of living as true children of God.

Thus, the deepest motivation for mission is again love, for God invites us to go out with Him in search of these souls who are so dear to Him.

A life permeated by God’s presence is in itself an invitation to others, and it will give greater credibility and conviction to our words and deeds. After all, it is the Father Himself who calls and draws people; and if we act as reliable witnesses to Him, we can become a bridge for them to hear His voice.

Let us remember that the deepest and most ardent desire of our Lord Jesus Christ when He was on earth was to honour and glorify the Father with His life. There was nothing more important to Him! So, if we too live to glorify Him, we enter into the same love that inflamed Jesus and so many others who sought His greater glory.

Let us seek souls willing to serve the Lord. Let us pray that, through our witness, we may serve God and mankind: all must know that they have a Father who loves them, and they must hear that there is nothing more beautiful than to know this Father and to proclaim His love!

For this it is necessary that man’s heart becomes a “resting place” for God, in which He can make His abode (Jn 14:23), without ever again being banished by a life of sin.

The more people live in this intimate relationship with God, the more His Kingdom will spread; that Kingdom in which one lives in true peace with God and among men; that Kingdom which we all long for and which cannot be established by merely human means.

The hearts of those in whom God can dwell become “living stones” with which the Lord builds and strengthens His Church, which stands even when the Church in its visible structure is shaken, persecuted and betrayed. From this deep relationship with God will come the true strength to heal and renew the Church, so that the Bride of Christ will shine forth in all her beauty and many people will find their way home.