“Rest in the divine sonship. God is a Father – your Father – full of tenderness, full of infinite love” (St Josemaria Escriva).

How important it is that we truly find our home in this wonderful vocation that our Father has given us! To feel at home means that we can put aside any tension, any uneasiness that we often still carry within us, and that we have finally found our true resting place in the love of our Father.

“We have escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!” (Ps 124:7), exclaims the Psalmist. Indeed, there are many hunters waiting for us, both within and without. But they always have to retreat when we take refuge in our Father.

Sometimes we need to take a deep breath in the face of so many pressures and obligations that come our way. But when we remember our Father and our divine sonship, we receive the serenity and comfort that emanates from Him. Whatever comes, we can be sure of His love and all will be well!

So confidence, inner peace and serenity come into our lives and we can always rest in that serenity. This serenity accompanies us and we can return to it again and again. Inner serenity becomes all the deeper the more we come to know the tenderness of our Father’s love, which penetrates us and makes us understand again and again: “You are my beloved son”. Then the promise of Jesus is fulfilled in us: “I will give you rest (…) and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:28-29).

When we live as children of God and are assured of the love of our Father, the tasks entrusted to us, however great or small, lose the heaviness that sometimes weighs us down. Instead, they become a challenge to love, an opportunity to serve our Father. Also in the fulfilment of our tasks we will be helped by the serenity in God, which can give them that harmony capable of turning everything into a work of God.