“There is nothing more precious in the world than peace of heart” (St. Francis de Sales).

We all know in our hearts the longing for peace and we feel that, to be true, it must go beyond a mere truce in war or the absence of violence.

This true peace exists! But it is a peace that the world cannot give, only Jesus can: “My peace I give to you” (Jn 14:27).

St Francis de Sales speaks of this peace. It is a peace that comes from living in conformity with the Will of our Father. Only this conformity can bring true peace to our heart, so that its restlessness, its agitation, its eagerness for the things of this world, its search for false happiness, etc., cease.

The world cannot give us this peace, but neither can it rob us of it, as long as we remain vigilant.

This peace will also have repercussions in our encounters with other people, so that they will begin to question where it comes from. Then the time will have come to confess our faith: it is the peace that our Father – and no one else but Him – gives us. St. Nicholas of Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, used to say: “There is peace only in God”. In this way, the peace of our hearts can become an instrument of mission.

Moreover, we should be aware that each step of growth in holiness brings more love and peace on earth, and that God’s grace can continue to be transmitted through our lives.

How can true peace come to this world? The answer follows from the above. If every person would seek true peace in God, then the peace He gives would be poured out like a dew of grace on the hearts of men.