The shadows of the Covid crisis (ADVENT IN APOCALYPTIC TIMES, Part III)

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NOTE: During these days we address in the daily meditations a series entitled “Advent in Apocalyptic Times”. If anyone prefers to listen to a meditation on the reading or the gospel of the day, you can find it at the following link:

In yesterday’s meditation we contemplated various kinds of darkness looming over the life of the nations. Read More

Darkness covers the earth (ADVENT IN APOCALYPTIC TIMES, Part II)

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NOTE: As of yesterday, we have begun in the daily meditations a series entitled “Advent in Apocalyptic Times”. If anyone would prefer to listen to a meditation on the reading or the gospel of the day, you can find it at the following link:

“Night still covers the earth and darkness the peoples…” (Is 60:2).

We cannot close our eyes or overlook the great darkness that hangs over the peoples. Just as we must not allow ourselves to be swallowed up by it, giving too much weight to the plans of evil and occupying ourselves excessively with them, it would also be a mistake to overlook it or to want to ignore it. Read More

The Two Meanings Of Advent (ADVENT IN APOCALYPTIC TIMES, Part 1)

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NOTE: On November 30 I posted on my YouTube channel a video entitled “Advent in Apocalyptic Times,” which was immediately censored. In view of this, I have decided to put in writing the content of this lecture, which I thought was valuable. I had alluded to the measures around the coronavirus, and the reason YouTube was eager to censor the video is that it would have violated the “Community Standards”. Read More

The Shepherd gathers the sheep

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Is 40:1-11

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Read More

Unanimity in Christ

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Rom 15:4-9

And all these things which were written so long ago were written so that we, learning perseverance and the encouragement which the scriptures give, should have hope. Now the God of perseverance and encouragement give you all the same purpose, following the example of Christ Jesus, so that you may together give glory to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one heart. Read More

The received mission

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1 Cor 9:16-19.22-23

Reading corresponding to the memorial of St Francis Xavier

”In fact, preaching the gospel gives me nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion and I should be in trouble if I failed to do it. If I did it on my own initiative I would deserve a reward; but if I do it under compulsion I am simply accepting a task entrusted to me. What reward do I have, then? Read More