LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 17: The virtue of fortitude and prudence

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In dealing with the so-called “cardinal virtues”, one would normally begin with the virtue of prudence. However, since in the previous days we had discussed the ascetic struggle against the passions, it is appropriate that we first deal with the virtue of fortitude.

The virtue of fortitude

Indeed, we need this virtue in order not to give up in the struggle and to be able to endure all adversities, and sometimes even defeats. This is an important aspect of fortitude: it is the ability to endure something for the sake of a greater good and to be willing to endure suffering for it. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 15: “The fight against pride”

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The most difficult spiritual vice to overcome is undoubtedly pride. It takes a constant struggle and a strong grace from God to flee from pride and to live in that humility which counteracts and decisively weakens it.

John Cassian describes pride in these terms: “It is a cruel beast, which fiercely attacks even the perfect and can wound with deadly poison those who are close to perfection”. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 14: “The struggle against acedia and vainglory”

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On our journey towards the great Feast of the Resurrection, we have to go through each day consciously and with God’s grace, as a stage on the way. For this we need perseverance, for on our journey we may encounter a demon which the desert fathers called “acedia” or the “demon of the noonday”. This acedia – which we can describe as a spiritual sluggishness or laziness – is related to the “tristitia” (sadness) we were talking about yesterday. The monks in the desert were attacked by acedia, but we too can be affected by it, so it is good to know at least something about it.  Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 12: “The fight against greed and wrath”

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Continuing the theme of fighting against vices, we will talk today about greed and wrath.

  1. The fight against greed 

John Cassian points out that this vice should be easier to fight, because its object is not rooted in our nature. However, if we have given greed a place, then, according to Cassian, it becomes a vice even more dangerous than the others, which is difficult to get rid of. St. Paul also states that “The love of money is the root of all evils” (1 Tim 6:10), because it can become the fuel for various other vices. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 10: The struggle against gluttony

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Yesterday we reflected on the passage of the purification of the Temple, and then applied it to our “inner temple,” which also requires purification.

At the beginning of our “Lenten itinerary” I quoted the prayer of St. Nicholas of Flüe, the first part of which said, “My Lord and my God, detach me from everything that distances me from You.” This affirmation synthesizes the so-called “purgative way” in the spiritual journey. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 9: The Purification of the Temple

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Having heard in yesterday’s reading how the “wrath of the Lord” because of the wickedness of the City of Nineveh was appeased by the penitence of its inhabitants, so that the punishment did not fall on them, it is fitting that today we meditate on the passage of the purification of the Temple (Mt 21:12-13), which was the Gospel of the Traditional Mass two days ago. Read More