LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 33: “Ecclesia in deserto”

We have already travelled a long way on our Lenten itinerary and now we are almost at the gates of Holy Week.

During the last five days we have been dealing with the serious subject of the Antichrist, who is to come at the End of Time, but whose spirit is already manifesting itself beforehand in various guises. Here we are confronted with the abyss of iniquity, a dark personification of the alienation from the living God. But in the end, as St. John’s Revelation describes, the Beast (often interpreted as an image of the Antichrist) and the False Prophet will be cast into the lake of fire (cf. Rev 20:9-10). Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 32: “Following Christ in anti-Christian times (V)”

Spiritual resistance to the anti-Christian threat

In our journey towards the great Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, we have dealt with the grave threat of the anti-Christian powers. These have even penetrated our Church, seeking to disintegrate and weaken her from within, so that she loses her clear and unequivocal witness and is no longer able to give true guidance to men. The more the Church adopts the “smell of this world”, the less she reflects the face of her Divine Bridegroom.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 31: “Following Christ in anti-Christian times (IV)”

The crisis in the Church

If we take a critical look at the current situation in the Church, we can quickly focus on Germany, where a “different Church” is already manifesting itself in certain aspects. Those who follow more closely what is happening on the so-called “synodal way” can see that here a process of adaptation of the Church to the world is taking place. The Catholic identity is increasingly being renounced in order to adopt the moral standards of the world. If the course taken by the majority of the Church hierarchy and lay bodies in this country is based more on the mentality of the world than on Holy Scripture and Church teaching, then the anti-Christian influence is evident.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 30: “Following Christ in anti-Christian times (III)”

The attack on the Church

All that we have heard in the previous meditations on the Antichrist clearly shows us the great danger that the antichristian spirit poses to humanity. It is the most tenacious and perhaps also the last attempt of the Devil to expand his dominion over the whole orb of the earth, to subjugate it and, if possible, to induce mankind to worship him.

Since Christ is present in His Church and is the true Lord, the attack of the Antichrist and his minions will be directed particularly against this Church, as it stands in the way of the realisation of their plans.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 29: “Following Christ in anti-Christian times (II)”

The spirit of discernment and the Antichrist.

Let us return today to the theme of the Antichrist, to whom we will dedicate several meditations. We will continue with this theme, giving also some concrete guidelines for dealing with the threat emanating from the Antichrist and his henchmen.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s meditation, there are strong passages in Scripture that speak of the Antichrist. Thus St. Paul writes to the Thessalonians:

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 28: “Following Christ in anti-Christian times”

It is also part of our Lenten itinerary to take a careful look at the difficult times in which we find ourselves, which – as I have repeatedly said – I consider to be apocalyptic in character. While we should not be intimidated by its threat, neither can we close our eyes to the events that are happening around us.

Before the Return of Christ, we have to reckon with the coming of the Antichrist, who, perverting the kingship of the Lord, will want to establish global dominion.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 27: “Prayer in times of persecution”

We return today to the theme of prayer; this time from another perspective. Undoubtedly, prayer serves first and foremost to glorify the Lord and to bring the soul into and remain in the “great dialogue” with Him.

In liturgical prayer, we take part together with all the faithful in the prayer of the Bride (the Church) to her Bridegroom. In Holy Mass, as the culmination of liturgical prayer, we unite ourselves to the sacrifice of Our Lord on the Cross. This hierarchy in prayer life should always be preserved and cultivated. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 26: “Contemplation – a little heaven”

Let us begin today by talking a little about “recollective prayer”, which is able to lead us to the “antechamber” of contemplation, the part that we can contribute so that the Lord finds the ground prepared and can grant us contemplative prayer, if He wills it.

The foundation of recollective prayer is the presence of God in our souls. It is that immeasurable presence through which He is in us as Creator and Sustainer, so real that “in Him () we live, and move, and exist” (Acts 17:28). At the same time, it is that friendly presence through which God dwells as Father, Friend and sweet Guest in the soul in a state of grace, inviting it to live in communion with the three divine Persons.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 25: “On contemplation (I)”

Throughout our Lenten journey, I have mentioned contemplative prayer several times. Even if not everyone gets to experience the various levels of contemplation, it is good to at least know what this form of prayer is all about. In addressing this topic, I will keep in mind that most people who listen to these meditations do not live in a monastery, fully immersed in a contemplative life. I hope that some aspects of this meditation on contemplation will be helpful in making our life and prayer even more receptive to God’s presence.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 24: “Giving the right place to prophetic messages”

Today we take up again the theme of “private apparitions and revelations”. The latter are the messages received in apparitions or interior allocutions.
Yesterday I emphasized that we should pay attention to them, because – as long as they are authentic – they are guidelines given to us by the Lord, showing us a way and providing us with help in the concrete situation in which we find ourselves, whether at the level of the world or of the Church.

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