255th Meditation

“You know when I sit, when I rise, you understand my thoughts from afar” (Ps 138:2).

Knowing that you, beloved Father, created us out of love and entrusted us with a mission in this world, we can move freely before you, as redeemed children. Our surrender to you makes us free to live in this world and to deal with it according to your Will.

The world cannot possess us, for we do not belong to it. It is simply the place where You have placed us and where we must prove our faithfulness.

It is beautiful to know that You know us, beloved Father, because this means to know that we are loved by You and to perceive Your presence in the depths of our hearts. You know us better than we know ourselves and everything is unveiled before you, both what we are aware of and what we are not aware of. Nothing is hidden before you!

Since you love us so much as a Father, all fear of you can vanish and all false images that the Evil One wanted to sow in us, as if you were the all-seeing tyrant who wants to control us, must be dispelled.

That is the intention of those who, abusing their power, want to dominate mankind. They want to know everything about us and even penetrate our thoughts, but they do not do so out of love. They want power without goodness, and so fall prey to the Evil One. From such I will not let myself be known, but will hide in the shelter of your wings.

“Arrogant men, God, are rising up against me, (…) in their scheme of things you have no place” (Ps 85:14).

Under your loving gaze we want to walk in safety, allowing ourselves to be known to the depths by you. May nothing come between you and us! May Your love completely melt our hearts, so that all hardness and blockage may give way, and we may become that for which You called us to life.

How good it is to know that we are known by You!