Our father and his generosity

Fifth day of the novena to God Father

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It is part of the trait of our father to be generous.

With great joy he gives us his immeasurable wealth. We should not only have life but also “life in abundance” (Jn. 10:10).

 In eternity a never-ending joy awaits us: death will be no more, no mourning, no lamentation, no hardship (Rev. 21:4). God Himself will be our reward.

Especially we recognize the generosity of God in the willingness to forgive the guilt. Think of Jesus on the cross, forgiving the thief, saying, “Even today you will be with me in paradise!” (Lk. 23:43). If only we call upon the name of God with all our hearts, he will save us.

That’s our father!

He always gives himself to us and gives us the opportunity to practice this generosity ourselves. “What you have done to the least of my brothers, you have done to me” (Mt. 25:40). Nothing that we have ever done good is forgotten.

For unto every one that hath shall be given (Mt. 25:29). This is shown to us by Jesus and we understand this passage of Scripture properly when we think of  love. Who loves will receive more and more love.

He who gives, receives (cf. Lk. 6:38),  and “He who loses his life will win it” (Mt. 10:39). We also understand these words from the point of view of love: who gives himself generously, generously responding to the invitation of God, this heart opens wide and can receive the love of God more deeply.

Whoever gives his life for God and the people, will be able to feel and receive more and more the glory of eternal life already on earth, he will grow in love!

Infinite graces await us if we generously respond to God’s invitation to follow.

God is already taking us into the secrets of his being and entrusting them to us. Jesus no longer calls his disciples disciples, but his friends (cf. Jn 15:15). If we do the steps of following Christ in the right way, great joy await us already in this life.

The generosity of our Father invites us to respond with love and to give ourselves to Him completely, to respond to the leading of His Spirit and to know the heart’s desires of our Father. We can entrust ourselves unconditionally to God. Then we, too, gain that generosity and it is transforming our being – we become generous in relation to God and also to the people!