492nd Meditation

“The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name” (Lk 1:49).

These sublime words came from the lips of the Blessed Virgin and will remain unforgettable for all eternity.

How wonderful was the plan of our heavenly Father for His work of salvation! He did not want His divine Son to simply come down from heaven as the great triumphant one to show us His power and majesty. No, God chose a woman to come into this world and make her the Mother of His Son, the Savior of all mankind.

We all know the wonderful encounter between the Archangel Gabriel and Our Lady in Nazareth, to whose announcement she responded by fully accepting God’s Will with a heart full of love. She is thus our pride and joy; she who, as a daughter of the human race, “one of our race” (cf. Jdt 15:9), was chosen to give her “YES” to the great mystery of the plan of salvation.

She was “one of our race” and, moreover, the One whom God gave us as our Mother from the Cross (Jn 19:27). She was also the one who knew how to praise the wonderful event that the Lord had worked in her: “The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name”.

With her, we too raise our eyes to contemplate the ineffable goodness of our Father, who not only saves us from darkness, but even calls us to cooperate in the mystery of redemption. A creature called into existence by the love of our Father receives the honor of cooperating with the One who created it. The angels admire and worship the wisdom of God.

Can there be a greater honor than this? Thus, our Father is ever mindful that His creature, His beloved child, shares in His glory. Although this has been fulfilled in an incomparably mysterious and yet visible way in our Heavenly Mother, she is not the only one in whom God the Father wants to “do great things”. He also honors us, His beloved children, by allowing us to work with Him for the salvation of mankind.

He will never forget any good deed we do, and He will reward us every time we return His love. This is our Father!