The birth of the Son of God is just at the door, and our hearts are preparing to join in the angels’ song of joy…

Indeed, the joy of the angels announcing the birth of the Saviour fills the whole earth (cf. Lk 2:8-14). No one could have imagined that the Father would choose this way to come among men. No one could even have imagined that God’s love would be revealed in this way: in the Saviour’s coming into the world.

The prophets had foretold it, but everything was still in darkness until the bright light of the birth of our Lord broke the night.

Who could have imagined that God would come among us by taking on human nature in the Person of Jesus Christ?  The unimaginable becomes reality and is inscribed indelibly in human history.

The great day, the holy night, the extraordinary event that will change the whole of history is at hand…

No one could have imagined that our Father would send the One who rests in His bosom (Jn 1:18). But He did, and now the One sent by the Father is knocking at the door of humanity and asking to be let in (cf. Rev 3:20).

He will never leave us, but will remain with us forever. “And look, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20) – the Lord said to His disciples before ascending to heaven to return to the Father and prepare our dwelling place (cf. Jn 14:2).

It is so easy to welcome the Son of God! All we have to do is open the doors of our hearts to Him and let His love enter us, and we will find in Him all that we have been longing for! Thus our search comes to an end and we discover more and more the fullness of His love, which knows no bounds.

If only people knew how good our heavenly Father is! If only they would not pass by the Child of Bethlehem and lift their eyes to the “Father of lights” (Jas 1:17)! What peace would descend on the hearts of men! That would be the true Christmas.