“Never hesitate to speak the truth!” (Inner Word).
Truth is an invaluable commodity. Without it, everything is blurred and reality takes on illusory features. As Christians, we have had the joy of knowing the One who is truth itself (Jn 14:6) and who comes to us from the throne of the Father. Before the procurator Pilate, Jesus declared: “For this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth” (Jn 18:37), that is, to proclaim the Heavenly Father from whom all things come.
Since the Lord Himself is the Truth and has entrusted it to His Church, we too are witnesses to the truth. Our Father expects us to bear true witness to Him and not to hesitate when the time comes to confess it. This is our debt to the Lord and to the truth. Certainly, we can speak the truth gently, waiting for the right moment to make it easier for people to be open to the message. But we must never refrain from speaking the truth out of fear of man. The truth we bear witness to will find its own way into people’s hearts, and the Holy Spirit will convince them
Therefore, we must never hesitate to confess the truth, for it is truth that sets us free (Jn 8:32) and pierces darkness with light. Our Father will be pleased if we serve Him in this way, and at the same time we will demonstrate true love for our neighbour.