“Some call on chariots,
some on horses;
but we call upon the name
of the Lord our God” (Ps 20:7).

The number of the faithful who firmly adhere to Tradition and to the doctrine of the faith is ever decreasing. The number of those who are no longer submitted to the previous teachings of the Church is increasing.

It is a smaller and smaller flock, grazing in the meadows of God. They have no power or means to fall back on, no chariots or cavalry; but they trust in the Lord, their God. He is their strength!

God is pleased that, in following the Lord, we do not put our trust in human means or worldly resources. The Father makes the foolish wise and leaves the wise in the dark (cf. Mt 11:25); He delights in seeing the mighty cast down from their throne and the lowly exalted.

From simple fishermen He made messengers of the King of heaven and earth (cf. Mt 4:18-19). And this same King did not live in splendorous palaces, surrounded by worldly sumptuousness. Rather, He came into the world in a poor cave, He had nowhere to lay His head (Mt 8:20), He refrained from imposing His Kingdom with violence by means of the legions of angels at His disposal (cf. Mt 26:53).

We must place our trust in the power of love alone, a love that has truth as its foundation. That is enough!

If we put our trust in the Father and He is our strength, we will defy all enemy armies, however great and powerful they may appear to be.

We should not even wish to have great material means at our disposal to proclaim the Gospel. God will take care of everything! It is His work, to whose service we have put ourselves! “Seek first the Kingdom of God (…), and all else will be given to you besides” (Mt 6:33).

Precisely when we have nothing in the eyes of the world, confronting the power of darkness simply with the mission of proclaiming the Lord, then we are strong, because God Himself is our strength.

Our Heavenly Father is pleased with this, because in this way He can work great things through the little ones: “He cast Pharaoh and his horsemen into the Red Sea” (Ps 136:15). The same will be the fate of those who seek to establish the dominion of darkness in the world.