97th Meditation on God the Father

“My heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to me” (Inner Word).

To such an extent does our Father want to be united with us! Let us never forget that the love relationship between God and humanity is a love story. The Lord wants the character of this relationship that He seeks with His children to correspond to the words quoted above: “My heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to me”.

When two people sincerely declare their love for each other in this way, we can recognize that it is a “great love”, reflecting warmth and intimacy; and we will rejoice to see it.

If this relationship is between the divine Bridegroom and the soul, a love that embraces heaven and earth becomes a reality.

When a great mutual love awakens in a man and a woman, they will be able to leave their father and mother to build a home in which new life can arise (cf. Gen 2:24). If a person has been inflamed by the love of God, and God has become for them a “great love,” they will also be able to leave everything behind for the sake of this love. Their heart will be enlarged so that many people can fit into it. Thus, through this love, God can bless many people and engender spiritual life.

The “great love”… Who does not seek it? In reality, God offers it to us and, simultaneously, this is what we are for Him:

“My heaven is on earth with you all, o men! Yes, it is on earth and in your souls that I look for My happiness and My joy” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

It is as simple as that! We simply have to believe that the Lord loves us, as He declares over and over again in countless ways. Let us present to Him our hearts, which often remain cold and indifferent, and allow His love to work in us.

If we follow the motions of the Holy Spirit, all that hinders the full realization of love will melt away. He will not stop, as long as we allow Him to carry out His work. He will attract us and induce us to perform the works of love. Thus, in our heart He will awaken more and more the “great love”. We have already found it and, with God’s grace, it will grow more and more and will never cease. In this way, the words that the Father addresses to us will become a reality in us:

“My heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to me.”