Men will convert more rapidly

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As in the previous year, I would also like to dedicate the 7th of each month to our Heavenly Father in a special way this year, and in that sense we will also continue to use the meditation on that day to meditate on a passage from the “Message from the Father” to Sr Eugenia Ravasio.

On this occasion, I have chosen a passage that fits very well with the theme of my message for the beginning of the year 2022 (

“Oh, how I would like to let you know what an almighty Father I am for you and would also be for those creatures, through My benefits! I would like their lives to be made sweeter through My law. I would like you to go to them in My name and speak to them of Me. Yes, tell them that they have a Father who, having created them, wants to give them the treasures He possesses. Above all, tell them that I think of them, I love them and want to give them eternal happiness. Oh, I promise you, men’s conversion will come sooner.”

As a reminder: the central statement of my little message for the New Year is that I am convinced that the present plague afflicting the whole world was permitted by God in order to bring mankind back to Him. Therefore, the call to all those who are already on the path of faith is to deepen their conversion and to cast out the nets of God’s love again, so that people in the world may encounter Him and be converted. When the light of God spreads, the darkness must retreat.

In the passage we have heard from “The Father’s Message”, we are given an effective means by which we can co-operate in bringing about a more rapid conversion of people. Without ceasing to announce that people must necessarily keep God’s commandments, and without being silent about the terrible offences against God which are committed in this world and which demand to be atoned for, the focus of the announcement must be on God’s love. It is His mercy that can save men!

Our heavenly Father’s great desire is to give life to mankind, for He Himself is the fullness of life (cf. Jn 10:10). On the human level, something similar happens: when our heart is full of love, we want to share this love with others. How much more is this the case with God, who is the very source of love! That is why, in this Message, the Father calls us again and again to first become recipients of this love and then to pass it on to others. Just as Jesus makes His disciples messengers of salvation (cf. Mt 28:19-20), so the Father wants us to bear witness to His love before people. And, in fact, this is precisely what they need: the security of knowing that they are loved by God and of encountering a Father who gives his full “yes” to their existence and to their person.

For our witness to be convincing to people who are searching or to those who are confused, it is of the utmost importance that we ourselves live in the security that the Father grants us in His love. This is how we are called to live! Every time we meditate on His goodness and converse confidently with Him, perceiving that His Heart is wide open for us, it will help us to generate the atmosphere of familiarity and trust that the Father so desires.

In this way, our proclamation would become convincing to other people, because, as we live secure in the Father’s love, we will receive an inner peace that they will also perceive.

Furthermore, the close relationship to our Father will give us the strength of conviction to make people understand that He always thinks of them and accompanies them in His ways. Through His law, He wants to “make them live a gentler life”.

“My yoke is easy and my burden is light” – the Lord tells us (Mt 11:30), referring precisely to this. Indeed, it is a balm for the soul to live in truth. Knowing that we are sheltered by the Father’s love and living in trust, we regain something of the paradisiacal state that we had lost as a result of sin.

If we proclaim God’s goodness, people will be converted more quickly – the text of the Father’s Message we have heard today assures us. If we accept it and put it into practice, it will happen as promised.

In this historical situation, it is important that we neither resign ourselves nor allow ourselves to be discouraged by the shadow that threatens us, but rather cooperate so that the light of God may penetrate the hearts of men. In this endeavour, the “Father’s Message” can be of invaluable help to us.

A FINAL NOTICE: During the last few months, since the conclusion of the Novena to God the Father, we had invited those who felt particularly called to honour the First Person of the Blessed Trinity to report to us, as representatives of their respective nations, so that together we may give to our Heavenly Father that worship and love which He asks for in the Message given to Mother Eugenia Ravasio. If anyone had not heard this invitation and would also like to be part of this “Work of Love” of the Heavenly Father, you can still send us an email to the following address, stating your name and the country you come from: