478th Meditation

“May the glory of the Lord endure for ever, may the Lord rejoice in his works,

may my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord” (Ps 104:31,34).

How wonderful it is when, instead of looking at ourselves, we learn to focus our hearts on God; when we no longer spend so much time looking at ourselves, but rather seek to do what pleases the Lord! Indeed, when we begin to seek to please Him, when we ask our Heavenly Father how we can bring Him joy today, our eyes are lifted up and we can easily find the “golden clue” that will mark our day.

The Holy Spirit will hasten to show us how to please the Lord and encourage us to do so, for the gift of piety that was poured into us at Baptism inclines our hearts to do everything out of love for the Father.

How much peace and how much light can penetrate our soul when we respond to the invitations and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, becoming more and more aware that our existence and our efforts to follow the Lord are a joy to Him! Thus, He rejoices in His works as He sees our life.

The Holy Spirit will ensure that we not only try to avoid that which would displease our Father, but that the praise of God flows joyfully from our hearts and that we proclaim it with our lips. He will see to it that our words are permeated with truth and that the love that dwells in our hearts touches people so that they may know the goodness of our Father.

As the gift of piety unfolds in our lives, the love of God grows in us and permeates our human love. In this way, we recognize God’s glory even more, our love for Him increases, and we can gratefully exclaim: “I rejoice in the Lord”.