MARIAN MEDITATIONS (3/3) – Mary: Bride of the Holy Spirit

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Beloved Virgin, how many manifestations of love shine forth in you!

In relation to the Father, we see you as a loving daughter; to the Son you are mother and disciple; to the Holy Spirit you are united in a spousal love.

If already here, in our earthly reality, we are moved by the tender love of a human spouse, and can observe how she blossoms and turns her whole heart and attention to her husband, how much more so is it with you, since your Bridegroom is the Holy Spirit Himself!

Bride of the Holy Spirit… What mystery surrounds this title!

You, a Bride whose love has fully awakened the One who overshadowed you and from whom you conceived the Son of God (cf. Lk 1:35). Your divine Bridegroom never again left your side; but made you “Seat of Wisdom”.

With all His precious gifts He adorned you: the jewels of virtue shine in you, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit shine like the sun.

You, dearest Mother, have become a fruitful garden, and you exclaim: „Let my love come into his garden, let him taste its most exquisite fruits.“ (Song 4:16)

Spousal love wants to know everything about its beloved and to receive all that he offers it… It waits with the humility of a creature and, at the same time, with the impatience of love, because „love is strong as Death (…). Love no flood can quench, no torrents drown.” (Song 8:6-7)

When will he, the Beloved, come; where is he; how is he doing; what will he want to say to me; how can I please him? „I belong to my love, and my love to me.” (Song 6:3)

And so the bride lights her lamp and pays attention to every sound to see if her beloved is already near.

Tell me, dearest Mother: How do you live this love for your divine Bridegroom and how can I live it?

Perhaps you would answer me: „You must let Him awaken you and inflame you with His love, so that He may penetrate into your heart and take possession of it. Be attentive to Him, look for Him in the early morning, because He is there and He is waiting for you. Always remember that He is also looking for you, let Him find you! Cultivate this love day by day, in an intimate dialogue, for He will always be with you and show you His love. Then He will be your home. This is how it happened to me…“

And, dearest Virgin, how is your relationship of love with Him now, being in eternity?

You would probably answer, “Here everything has come to its fullness. The Holy Spirit’s love for me and mine for Him is perfect. It is an unimaginable joy, which also awaits all of you if you remain faithful to the Lord.

My heavenly Bridegroom wants you also to live as espoused souls, so that He may adorn you with Himself and with His gifts. As he loves me, so he loves you; as he made me shine in that beauty which so captivates you, so He wants to give you true beauty. He wants the bride to be beautified, He wants the Church to await the Return of her Lord as a Bride without blemish.

You think you will never make it, do you? Oh, no! By yourself you would not make it, but the Holy Spirit will make it! He, with jealous love, will see to it that your soul regains its beauty, so that you too will blossom in the splendour of grace. All you have to do is cleave to Him in love! These words also count for your relationship with Him: ‘do not rouse, do not wake my beloved before she pleases.‘ (Song 3:5)

I can never speak well enough of Him. As I praise the works of my Father and carry my Son in my heart, so I love the Holy Spirit, my divine Bridegroom. If you follow Him, you will hear how He also speaks these words to you: ‘How beautiful you are, my beloved, how beautiful you are! You ravish my heart, my sister, my promised bride, you ravish my heart with a single one of your glances, with a single link of your necklace. What spells lie in your love, my sister, my promised bride! How delicious is your love, more delicious than wine! How fragrant your perfumes, more fragrant than all spices!’ (Song 4:1a.9-10)”

Thank you, most beloved Virgin, for introducing me into the mystery of your spousal love!

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