MARIAN MEDITATIONS (2/3) – Mary: Mother of the Son

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How exalted is the election granted to you, beloved Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ!

With astonishment we note that not only the Son of God Himself was entrusted to you, but also all those who belong to Him and sing the song of the redeemed (cf. Rev 14:3). And even more: you are the Mother of all men, and you become light and consolation for those who return home.

Many people come to you full of trust and appeal to your motherly heart, because they understand that your divine Son hears your pleas.

In you, motherly compassion for the earthly needs of your children goes hand in hand with concern for the salvation of their souls.

At Cana you asked your Son to have mercy on the need of the bride and groom: “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3)… And with your words “do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5) you gave us for ever the right guideline to follow your Son, for whom you are Mother and first disciple.

Beloved Mother, a scene from your life that touches me deeply is the one when you and St. Joseph searched sorrowfully for your twelve-year-old Son, and then found Him in the Temple. He asked you: “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lk 2:49).

You could not understand immediately… But you kept silent and stored up His words in your heart. That tells us a lot about you!

In your silence and by welcoming His words into your heart, the Lord was able to penetrate even more deeply into you, and you certainly understood even better where His true home is.

To all of us, beloved Mother, you invite us to bring your Son to people and to call them to follow Him. You will not rest until salvation has been proclaimed to all men, and You will pray and plead for them to respond to the redeeming love of Your Son.

You do not overlook the wrong paths that men take. Just as your Son did, you warn against departing from God’s appointed path. Throughout the centuries, not infrequently in your apparitions you have pointed out what awaits those who are unwilling to listen to your Son, and you have called the faithful to conversion, penance and reparation. Yet many of your calls have gone unheeded.

How deep must have been your sorrow under the Cross of your Son, whom you love so much and who was so cruelly treated by men!

Even deeper must have been your anguish and suffering when you saw that His incomparable sacrifice of love on the Cross could be rejected by men. What torment!

You resembled your divine Son in suffering. Just as He accepted the Will of the Father (cf. Mt 26:39) and His love led Him to the Cross, so you accepted and gave your “yes” to your Son’s way of suffering, remaining at the foot of the Cross (cf. Jn 19:25).

Could a mother offer a greater sacrifice of love?

Now you are totally united to Him in eternity… It must be an indescribable joy for you to see Him now in the glory which the Father bestows on Him! How much gratitude will flood your Heart, for being able to serve Him as a Mother!

Until the End of Time, you will not tire of telling him that men “have no wine left”; you will encourage your priest sons to strive for holiness and to administer the sacraments to the faithful. You will always keep your ears open to the concerns of your children; you will always be the consolation of the afflicted and the refuge of sinners… Such are you!

Beloved Mother of our Lord: we know that all your radiance comes from Him. Accept, however, our gratitude: we love you and we love your Son!

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