“Love must inundate you. This is what it desires and for this it seeks you” (Inner Word).

This is what our Father wants, because since He is love Himself, He cannot help but seek a recipient for this love. Let us remember the prayer that our Father Himself asked us to address to Him in the message to Mother Eugenia: “Ask me to establish the work of my love in the souls of all people”.

His love seeks us and wants to become a stream of living water in us, even during the time of our earthly life. Indeed, the great goal of our spiritual life is perfect union with God in love.

Is it any wonder that our Father seeks us in this way? Because of our limited human perception, we cannot always assimilate it so easily. But if we have had the grace to get to know God a little, it becomes clearer to us. He Himself is love, and moved by this love, He called everything into existence. And how much He wants man, whom He created in His own image and likeness, to know Him as the most loving Father and to respond to His love! Then a flood of love awaits at his door. God does not want to withhold His love. When He finds a receptive person, He lavishes on him all the graces He has planned for him. Love becomes so predominant that St. Augustine dared to say: “Love and do what you want”.

The person who opens himself to the Father’s love becomes its great recipient, as if he were the only one on earth.

But once the net of God’s love has caught a soul, that same love makes her a “fisher of men,” because she can only share the love she has received. This is how the wisdom of God wanted it!