“I love you more than you love me” (Inner Word).
Even if love for God has already awakened and begun to burn in our hearts, we must always remember that He loves us infinitely more than we love Him. It is an ‘ocean of love’ that surrounds us completely, without forgetting for a moment His other children and creatures. This is the love that nourishes us, and when we let it into our lives and open the doors of our hearts to it, we ourselves become a source of this love.
Our Father will tell us that we can love even more, because His love is boundless, while ours soon reaches its limits. But it is precisely these limits that are to be overcome in God. Since our capacity to love is so limited, we must ask God to give us His great love so that we can act in it. Thus, our Father’s opening words should serve not only as an affirmation and confirmation of His love for us, but also as an invitation to never give up and to constantly grow in love.
Could it be otherwise?
Since love is the reason for our existence, redemption and sanctification, and since God Himself is love, love will want to spread and permeate everything. Everything must be marked by it, all our thoughts and actions. It is capable of melting all hardness if it is reciprocated. It can even reach a closed heart, if only it gives a small sign of willingness to let it in. This love suffers when it stands at the door of a closed heart, for it cannot and will not force it open. Rather, it waits for a small crack to open before it enters and spreads its light.
Love is the most glorious thing that can happen to us and it will remain forever. May we never close ourselves to it!