“He who longs ardently to love will soon love ardently” (St. Francis de Sales).

Undoubtedly, this deep longing will open wide the door of our Father’s heart, even if we still feel incapable of loving and always collide with the limitations of our heart.

Indeed, if we have the desire to love, then we are already oriented toward what is right, then the freedom our Father has given us has been opened to Him, then our heart is no longer so cold.

However, we can ask ourselves how we can bring about this desire to love ardently, especially when we realize that it does not really seem so important to us and that it does not hurt us very much when we violate love, that is, when we perceive much indifference and emptiness in our heart.

The important thing is to turn in prayer to our Father who wants us to love. Let us confess our inability to love and admit that we may not even want to love. If we do this, we will not remain closed in ourselves, but our interior will open to God, even if timidly and even if we are still a little reluctant.

This small opening will be enough for our Father to pour His Light into us and melt the “layer of ice” that surrounds our heart. With the light comes warmth. Then the heart begins to live and wants to awaken even more from its lethargy. So the longing for love grows, because the heart is called to love.

And when this longing becomes ardent, because the love for our Father has grown, then we will soon succeed in loving ardently. The Father Himself will have made it possible!