“Live in the certainty of my love and then you will be able to love” (Inner Word).

We human beings are deeply dependent on love because our Father created us out of love. Without love we cannot live, because it is not only the reason for our existence, but also for our salvation, reaching down to us human beings after the fall into sin in order to heal our wounds and give us true life through grace. Love accompanies us throughout our pilgrimage in this world and prepares us for eternity, where it will illuminate and fill our being without shadow or disturbance.

“God is love” (1 Jn 4:16).

As believers we know this. We have read it in the Scriptures, we have heard it in sermons and homilies… But knowing it in theory does not guarantee that the certainty of God’s love will determine our feelings and give us that joy which is a foretaste of heaven. But our Father wants us to live in the certainty of His love in order to awaken us to the great truth of our existence: we are the beloved children of our Father!

How can we reach this certainty?

-By gratefully reflecting on the blessings with which God lavishes our daily lives.

-By contemplating with wonder the mysteries of salvation that nourish our supernatural life.

-By meditating daily on Sacred Scripture.

-By receiving the holy sacraments with gratitude.

-By cooperating with the Holy Spirit in the purification of our hearts.

-By casting all evil thoughts against the rock of Christ.

-By frequently invoking the Name of the Lord.

-By declaring again and again our love for the Heavenly Father.

-By presenting our inner emptiness to God and asking Him to fill it with His presence.

-Last but not least! By asking our Father to put aside everything that prevents us from living in the security of His love.

Then we will become able to love.